June 24-28
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Classes for 3-year-olds
(must be potty trained)
through those who have
completed 6th grade.


We want to help you be ready for the best week of the summer - VBS! Here are a few of the most common questions people have about VBS. If you need more info feel free to call or email us.

What Is VBS?

VBS stands for Vacation Bible School. It is a time during summer vacation for children to come together and have fun with games, crafts, music, snacks and more. Most importantly it is a time for kids to learn about God and how much He loves them no matter what. 

Who can come to VBS?

This year's VBS is for children who are at least 3 years old (must be potty trained) all the way up to those who have completed 6th grade. You DO NOT have to be a member of Oak Grove to attend.

What does it cost?

Nothing. VBS is absolutely free. All costs are provided for by the people of Oak Grove Baptist church.

How do I sign my child up for VBS?

You can register your child anytime for free online (CLICK HERE) You can also register in person at any of our worship services or at our VBS Block Party the Saturday before. You may also register during VBS itself but we encourage you to register early so we can make sure we have everything your child needs.

Will my children be safe at VBS?

Absolutely. Every adult who volunteers to work with children in any capacity at Oak Grove Baptist must pass a background check. The children are always supervised by adults and we use methods such as a strict sign-in and sign-out process to ensure your child is safe.

Where do I drop off/pick up my child?

We will have a sign-in/sign-out table at the main entrance to the church sanctuary (signs will be posted to give directions). Please walk the children to the sign-in table and sign them in there. The same process will be used for pick up when you sign out your child.  Sign-in begins at 5:45 pm.

Can I allow someone else to drop off or pick up my child?

Yes, when you register for VBS we will ask you who you would like to authorize to pick up your child. Any adult that you authorize will be able to sign your child out of VBS – parent, neighbor, grandparent, etc.

Will transportation to and from VBS be provided?

Unfortunately, we do not have transportation available. If you live near the church we may be able to help arrange a carpool with another family. You can email us at church@oakgrovebaptistchurchtn.com or call us at (423)479-9125.

Are there alternate snacks if my child has food allergies?

Yes, please let us know at registration if your child has any allergies or specific concerns about food or activities and we will do our best to accommodate their needs. Our goal is to make VBS accessible and fun for everyone.

When does VBS actually start/end?

Children can begin signing in at 5:45 pm each night with VBS starting promptly at 6:00 pm. Please have your children signed in for VBS by 6:00 pm so they can participate in the march in with the other children. Of course, if they are late that is fine too, but we just don't want them to miss a second of the fun! Please be ready to pick up your children at 8:30 pm